Foam Letters and Foam Sculptures: Read Before You Buy | Foam3D™ |
Custom 3D Logo | Weather Resistant Letters Custom 3D Logo | Weather Resistant Letters
Custom 3D Logo | Weather Resistant Letters

To The Letter: Read Before You Buy | Foam3D™

Outsized selfie signs, collegiate block letters, and even brand logos—you can spell it all out with Foam3D™! Make the most of your oversized sculptures (and budget!) by following these cost effective measures!

What’s the best size for foam letters?

Conventional thinking may dictate that bigger is better for brand awareness and that’s true—if you have an unlimited budget! If cost is no object, a Foam3D™ letter sculpture can be as large as coffers allow.

For the rest that answer to accounting, there’s a “golden ratio” for foam letters. Each one is carved from a standardized raw foam block measuring 96” (wide) x 48” (tall) x 40” (deep). Any sculpture that remains within those dimensions will have significant cost savings due to the reduced cutting, fitting and labor required to affix two blocks (or more) together.

Hundreds of satisfied Foam3D™ customers have proven that 5’ is the ideal height for selfie-signs and letters. It’s large enough to generate notice, yet still fits in frame for the optimum selfie composition! The most common height for characters is 44” to 46” with an additional 12” base for a stable sculpture ringing in right at 5-feet tall.

University Logo Statue | Giant Letter for Universities

Project: Central Michigan University "C"
Specs: 46" H x 46" W x 11" D
Custom foam sculpted elements, multiple layers, custom paint finish.
Price: $3,500.00. Add $350.00 for shipping and storage crate.

3D Foam Logo | Styrofoam Sculpture

Project: New England Patriots, Championship Logo
Specs: 58" H x 68" W x 22" D
Custom foam sculpted elements, custom paint finish, full color rigid printed facades (front & back).
Price: $6,000.00. Add $500.00 for shipping & storage crate

3D Glossy Letters | Giant Logo

Project: Cleveland Browns Team Letters
Specs: 72" H x 48" W x 11" D (each)
Custom foam sculpted elements, custom paint finish, rolling casters.
Price: $10,000.00. Add $1000.00 for shipping & storage crate

Large Outdoor Sculpture | Foam 3D Sculpture for Sports Events

Project: Tennessee Titans team logo gloves, Coca Cola sponsorship
Specs: 120" H x 108" W x 36" D
Custom foam sculpted elements, multiple layers, custom paint finish, decal applications, rolling casters.
Price: $20,000.00. Add $1000.00 for shipping & storage crate

What foam density is best?

Expanded polystyrene (EPS) comes in three standard densities—1 lb, 2lb, and 3lb. Densities are determined by how much the finished foam weighs per cubic foot, with higher density subject to less stippling and pockmarks prior to sealing.

However, after filing, sanding, painting and application of the newly introduced M91 polyurethane-urea hybrid coating, underlying foam density is nearly indistinguishable. That’s why Britten almost exclusively employs cost-effective 1.5lb density foam for lettering projects. Save for highly intricate sculptures or design, this standardized density is beyond sufficient for most projects and is significantly more economical for customers.

What are the finish options?

Foam3D™ letters come available with two finish options—Standard Hard Coat and Trophy Hard Coat. Both derived from the same innovative M91polyurethane-urea hybrid coating, this novel product is abrasion resistant and boasts enhanced elasticity—meaning it's less subject to dents and cracks compared to similar coatings.

Standard Hard Coat is more than ample for most foam letter uses and projects. Durable enough for regular weather conditions and temporary outside exposure, the Standard coating is the most common selection for foam letter orders.

Trophy Hard Coat is highly resistant and best for sculptures intended to have extended outdoor exposure. Similar in composition to high-end coatings used in the automotive industry, the Trophy Hard Coat is meant to preserve longer-term foam investments like semi-permanent installations, and as such comes with a premium price tag.

3D Foam Statues | Hard Coat Texture 3D Foam Sculptures | Smooth Glossy Finish

Foam3D™ Recap:

Stretch your budget and make the most of your foam letter sculpture!

Have further questions or working on a totally custom project? Partner with Britten for a custom quote or more information by emailing or call 855-763-8203 to speak to a sales rep.