Take Your BoxPop® to the Post-Season | Modified Shipping Containers | Britteninc.com
Outdoor Pop-Up Stage | BoxPop and Event Truss Outdoor Pop-Up Stage | BoxPop and Event Truss
Outdoor Pop-Up Stage | BoxPop and Event Truss

Take Your BoxPop® to the Post-Season | Modified Shipping Containers

Gone are the lengthy days of languid summer—but that doesn’t mean you need to close up shop! Remaining open into the shoulder season can mean less competition and extended returns for your pop-up venue or business!

The bustling summer may have already passed by, but you’re already focused on the next objective—the post-season. Approaching the off-season with a playoffs mindset can provide serious dividends and separate your business from the competition. Whether it’s working in tandem with a fall festival, hosting an autumnal toast of your own, or endeavoring for a novel mid-winter carnival, a BoxPop® modified container can still serve as the perfect venue with some seasonal considerations. Find out how to keep your BoxPop® container bar up and running well into the late season!

BoxPop Custom Shipping Container with Window Bar | Shipping Container Bar

The Right Stuff | Modified Container Insulation

Just like making it to the post-season, extending your length of operation into the colder months takes considerable planning. Make a proactive business plan and bundle up your modular construction venue with some insulation!

In addition to the obvious heat-trapping benefits, insulation also combats an often overlooked but significant issue—moisture. Uninsulated spaces are susceptible to condensation which can create a whole slate of problems from mildew, to rotting and rust, and even mold. Having the forethought to integrate proper insulation into the build can thwart these complications before they form.

The Electrical Systems Inside of a BoxPop Custom Shipping Container

Anti-Freeze | Modular Construction Plumbing and Utilities

BoxPop delivers a full, one-year warranty on all electrical, plumbing, and structural components built into your custom shipping container. However, we encourage you to perform routine maintenance checks on your plumbing, electrical and utilities to ensure safe use later in the season. On the off chance something goes wrong with your BoxPop's plumbing, electrical or utilities, we urge you to contact us first to see if we can help.

BoxPop Custom Shipping Containers | Interior View

Frosted Windowpanes | Proper Openings for Modular Construction

A lengthy queue of chilled customers may prompt you to fly to the window in a flash, but before you open for late season business, you should consider the openings in your business. A massive service window may be ideal for slinging drinks to summer patrons but will leak heat and leave your employees to freeze.

Once again a proactive plan can keep your modular construction business ready for the elements! Smaller windows and openings or even a service window that can open and close as required can help reduce heat loss while still remaining functional. Adding modest windows to your custom shipping container design can be the perfect cocoa counter or warm drink portal for any chilly affair!

The astute will notice a forming trend—proper planning can extend the operational timeline of your modular construction venue! Working with the BoxPop® team during the design stage can help fulfill ambitions for late season sales! From insulation to plumbing considerations, set your custom shipping container up for success this post-season!

40 Foot Custom Shipping Container | Portable Restrooms

BoxPop® transforms upcycled cargo containers into brewpubs, restaurants, or anything else you can dream up. Click here to see what’s possible, or call 855-763-8203 to talk to a team member.